Price list - coaching programs & services
Athletic Biotuning™ Online Lifestyle program -
This program gives you access to a life-changing health & fitness method developed by highly qualified nutrition & fitness specialized health professionals .
• Athletic Biotuning™ Nutrition E-Guide
• Athletic Biotuning™ Training E-Guide
• Athletic Biotuning™ Resistance Training Program - low volume program with special techniques for maximizing anabolic stimulation, muscular hypertrophy and strength
This product can be upgraded at any time to a VIP membership for personal online coaching and individual follow up by ABT nutrition & fitness specialized physical therapist.
The E-guides and programs will be delivered within 24 hours from payment is registered*.
Price in Euro: 98 with PayPal or credit card / In Norway: NOK: 995 with Vipps to 91165716

8 weeks personal ABT VIP-coaching program
8 weeks ABT health & body composition transformation program with personal online coaching by ABT nutrition & fitness specialized health professionals who creates individually tailored program and motivates and follows you up.
• Athletic Biotuning™ Nutrition E-Guide
• Athletic Biotuning™ Training E-Guide
• Athletic Biotuning™ Training Program -
As an Online VIP-coaching member, you also get unlimited access to all the knowledge and support from Athletic Biotuning within:
• Online nutrition coaching
• Online training coaching (exercise selection, effect, technique, hypertrophy, strength, Calisthenic etc.)
• Injury problem support - online advice on training in case of injury, alternative training, injury prevention, alternative exercise selection
• Motivational online follow-up after client demand & needs
• Online technique video analysis on demand
• Online training buddy chat -
Coaching and chat service by e-mail. Response and assistance within 24 hours on working days (maximum one daily consultation. In case of extraordinary situations or illness, an answer may occasionally come later than within 24 hours).
The ABT VIP program involves significant work in the start-up phase for optimal individualization of programs. The process will be initiated with a questionnaire that will be sent by e-mail the same day as the payment is registered. Based on the clients information, the programs will be personalized and delivered by e-mail within a few days.
After 8 weeks, you can sign a 6 or 12 months VIP-coaching membership if you wish to continue with personal coaching.
Limited number of VIP personal online coaching places due to time consuming, professional quality standard. Apply for waiting list when full!
Price: 297 Euro to be payed with PayPal or Credit card.
Price in NOK: 2980,- Vipps to 91165716

6 months follow up ABT Online VIP-coaching /Only 49 Euro per month!
This program is an option for those who have completed a 8 weeks ABT VIP program and want to continue online coaching and enjoy the services of:
• Motivational online follow-up after client demand & needs (weekly status reports from client is recomended)
• Online training & nutrition coaching (exercise selection, effect, technique, hypertrophy, strength, Calisthenic etc.)
• Injury problems support - online advice on training in case of injury, alternative training, injury prevention, alternative exercise selection
• Online technique video analysis on demand
• Online training buddy chat
Price in Euro: 294 with PayPal or Credit card / Price in NOK: 2980,- Vipps to 91165716

Fitness consultation by e-mail.
Send us an e-mail with any questions regarding fitness, nutrition, sport injuries, body composition, weight reduction, muscle hypertrophy & strength, sport performance, strength training, Calisthenics, injury rehabilitation & physiotherapy and it will be answered by a nutrition specialized ABT fitness-physiotherapist within 24 hours on working days! (Exceptionally, in case of extraordinary situations or illness, an answer may come later than within 24 hours) Maximum of 3 questions per mail!
Pay with PayPal or credit card or Vipps (in Norway) and send us a mail with your questions and you will receive a qualified answer within 24 hours! (With the conditions as described a bow)
Price in Euro 35 / NOK 380,-

Body composition photo analysis & specialist recommendation
Send us a photo that shows your body taken for example in bathing clothes, in the bathroom mirror etc. You may anonymize the photo by not showing your face if that makes you more comfortable! Mail us the photo together with some background and motivation goals info, and our nutrition specialized ABT fitness-physiotherapist will send you a body composition analysis and recommendation on focus and nutrition methods for optimal improvement in athletic, health boosting body re-composition. Response within 24 hours on working days! (Exceptionally, in case of extraordinary situations or illness, an answer may come later than within 24 hours.). 100% privacy discretion is guaranteed!
Pay with PayPal or credit card or Vipps (in Norway) and send us a mail with your photos and background information and you will receive a qualified answer within 24 hours! (With the conditions as described a bow).
Euro 45 / NOK 480,-

Technique video analysis & instruction
Send a short video clip where You perform the exercise or sport skill You want to improve on, or You have problems performing without pain! We will send You a mail with corrective instructions on what to work on, written or by instructive video. Technique analysis & instruction in strength exercises as bench press, squats, dead-lift, overhead press, lateral raises etc. /Calisthenics: muscle ups, front lever, back lever, planche, shoulder blade control etc. / sport technique and functional strength in, alpine skiing, Telemark skiing & windsurfing.
Euro 55 / NOK 580

The service of Athletic Biotuning™ (ABT) and Metabolic Biotuning™ (MBT) is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of injuries, disorders or diseases. Although the methods used in MBT and ABT do not pose any known increased health risk compared to other fitness exercise and diet, medical screening of blood values and a general health check with a doctor before starting and during the Athletic Biotuning program are recommended as a preventive safety measure that should be taken with the start up of any new fitness regimen! Athletic Biotuning is not responsible for any consequences of underlying illness or injury, as well as for any injuries or health conditions that may occur during the practice of recommended exercise or diet.
The results of Athletic Biotuning™ and Metabolic Biotuning™ will vary from person to person, depending on genetic predisposition, training experience, health status, age and personal effort.
Trademark Copyright ©
The brand s"Athletic Biotuning™" and "Metabolic Biotuning™" are protected by international law of copyright.