Athletic Biotuning™ (ABT) is a game-changing chronobiologic health & fitness lifestyle method that has made it surprisingly easy for most people at ANY age to regain and sustain a youthful, healthy lean & muscular athletic body composition without the need of an unpleasant restrictive diet, caloric focus or extreme training!
The ABT-method cosist of:
Athletic Biotuning™ is easy and pleasant to follow as a permanent lifestyle method for most people. Unlike all other nutrition methods; when adapted to the flexible & auto-regulating eating pattern of Athletic Biotuning, you can eat normal, tasty & nutrient rich food you really like until satiated at all meals while getting and staying lean!
The ABT-method also prevents starvation mode, a common prolonged plateau in fat loss that is the body's natural defense mechanism against caloric restriction, and the main reason why normal diets seldom result in long term success.
International online coaching with experienced health professionals
Do you experience that your body composition has changed over the years and no longer fully keeps up with your sporty identity or ambitions for performance and joy in your favorite sport activity? Have you become heavier, less flexible, weaker or more prone to injuries or health issues?
Would YOU like to release your unexploited genetic potential for a lean & athletic body composition and longevity health while eating well and enjoying good things in life?
"Low responder" game changer!
Have you tried different diets or training methods without obtaining the results you hoped for? Are you a low- or non responder struggling to obtain a healthy low body fat percentage or to build muscle and have stagnated in a plateau for years?
Take a look at what the Athletic Biotuning™ method has done for others:
*Groundbreaking research awarded with the *Nobel medical prize in 2016, has led to new biological understanding of how hormonal processes that regulate body composition and renewal of aged and defect cells, can be significantly re-activated through a chronobiologic nutrition pattern.
These epi-genetic discoveries together with impressive convincing clinical evidence, has led to the development of Athletic Biotuning™ , a health & fitness lifestyle method that makes health boosting body re-composition surprisingly easy and sustainable for most people at ANY age, WITHOUT the need of caloric restriction focus, extreme training programs or hormone replacement therapy.
Athletic Biotuning™ (ABT) is NOT another fitness diet, it's a science based, flexible & sustainable lifestyle method based on a combination of a nutrition method with focus on macro-nutrient selection & timing through a chronobiologic auto-regulating eating pattern. If combined with the hypertrophy focused, anabolic stimulating low volume ABT resistance training program the results will be maximized. The combination and interaction of these methods re-activates metabolic switching and protein synthesis, maximizing the ability to burn fat and build muscle, not at the same time, but in short micro-cycles, several times a week.
Natural hormonal therapy
The chronobiologic nutrition method of Athletic Biotuning™ works on a hormonal level, re-sensitizing and reactivating slowed down metabolic & anabolic processes and longevity health biomarkers back towards younger days far more healthier levels. Auto-regulating means that the feeling of hunger correlates with the body's real nutritional needs and makes the body become far more efficient at switching to using stored body fat as main fuel source.
Simply explained;
Giving your body WHAT it needs, WHEN it needs it changes everything!
we call it: Athletic Biotuning
Athletic Biotuning™ is easy and pleasant to follow as a permanent lifestyle method for most people. Unlike all other nutrition methods; when adapted to the flexible & auto-regulating eating pattern of Athletic Biotuning, you can eat normal, tasty & nutrient rich food you really like until satiated at all meals while getting and staying lean!
The ABT-method also prevents starvation mode, a common prolonged plateau in fat loss that is the body's natural defense mechanism against caloric restriction, and the main reason why normal diets seldom result in long term success.
What's your main goal?
General health improvement
Sustainable body fat reduction
Maximize muscular hypertrophy (muscle building
Body re-composition - reduce fat & build muscle
Sport performance
Jeg ble introdusert for Atletic Biotuning av Børre for 2,5 år siden og metoden har bedret min livskvalitet og fysiske form i så stor grad at den har blitt en permanent livstilsmetode for meg. Det har resultert i en kropp som har blitt betydelig lettere og sterkere og som i en alder av 49, veier det samme som 19-åring. Dette har gjort at jeg fortsatt kan holde på med skateboarding og snowboardingpå et aktivt høyt nivå. Jeg håndterer også fall bedre, noe som er essensielt for å unngå skade i skate- og snowboarding. I tillegg har denne ny livsstilen gitt meg bedre søvn, høyere energinivå og jevnere humør.
I was introduced to Atletic Biotuning by Børre 2.5 years ago and the method has improved my quality of life and physical fitness to such a degree that it has become a permanent lifestyle method for me. It has resulted in a body that has become significantly lighter and stronger and which, at the age of 49, weighs the same as when I was 19. This has allowed me to continue skateboarding and snowboarding at an active high level. I also handle falls better, which is essential to avoid injury in skateboarding and snowboarding. In addition, this new lifestyle has given me better sleep, higher energy levels, and a smoother mood.
Lars Arne Kringstad
49 years
Oksenøya Norway
We are all born as fat burners, but modern western diet and eating pattern has converted most people into fat storing, carb dependent sugar burners. The fantastic human capability to store body fat as an internal mobile energy supply for later use when needed, is evolutionary created as a zero-sum process in a time when food availability could vary a lot with changing seasons and weather conditions. It was crucial to be capable to perform at maximum both physically and mentally on an empty stomach to get enough food to survive.
Today's constant food availability and frequent eating and snacking has made this delicate process go totally out of balance, resulting in that the amount of energy that is stored as body fat exceeds the amount of energy that is burned most of the time. Almost constantly having food in the digestive system also signals to the brain that metabolic and anabolic hormonal processes and production are no longer important to keep up to survive. The capability to effectively release ketones from stored body fat for energy becomes almost deactivated, since the easiest way for your body is to use sugar in the blood stream from food you just ate. This process creates a negative spiral, making you dependent on frequent eating and snacking to keep energy levels up and prevent blood sugar fall and bad mood. It also creates insulin resistance and sets your "metabolic switch" in almost constant storage mode, regardless of how little you eat. This is the main reason behind the gradual increase in fat percent most people experience after adolescence and why obesity is one of the biggest health problems we have today!