We are all born as metabolic flexible fat burners, but a modern Western diet has converted most of us into fat-storing sugar burners in constant "storage-mode", dependent on frequent snacking to have energy to perform and feel well!
Groundbreaking recent research in human biology backed up by impressive clinical evidence have provided a new biological understanding of how slowed down systemic hormonal processes that regulate body composition and vital health biomarkers, can effectively be reactivated to restore a balanced effectiveness through a combination of a chronobiological* eating pattern and low volume anabolic stimulating training. This new knowledge has led to the development of AgeAthletic™, a game-changing lifestyle method that resets metabolic and anabolic hormonal processes back towards younger days significantly more efficient and healthier levels, making body recomposition and reversal of physical decline surprisingly easily achievable for most people at any age, 100% naturally.

Take a look at what the AgeAthletic™ method has done for others:
How is it possible?
Systemic hormonal imbalances reduce both muscle protein synthesis and metabolic flexibility, the body's evolutionary ability to frequently switch to burn stored body fat as a primary energy source and make the feeling of hunger and satiety no longer matches the body's real nutritional needs. This puts the body in an almost constant "storage-mode" which makes weight management and the reversal of unhealthy body composition an endless battle against unpleasant drops in blood sugar and energy supply. This struggle against hormonal hunger signaling requires so much willpower that very few succeed with lasting results and is the main reason why obesity is the biggest threat to public health we face today.
The chronobiologic nutrition methods of AgeAthletic™ work on a systemic hormonal level, re-sensitizing and reactivating slowed down metabolic & anabolic processes and longevity health biomarkers. Adapting macro-nutrient food selection and timing to your chronobiological real nutritional needs can totally change your body's hormonal response to nutrition and training within a few weeks! This in contrast to standard caloric restriction diets, which only treat the symptoms and not the real cause behind impaired energy partitioning and an development of an unhealthy body composition, are hard and unpleasant to follow and seldom give long term results. By restoring insulin sensitivity and metabolic efficiency you will experience that the feeling of hunger will start to correlate to your body's real nutritional needs. The result is a life-changing new situation for most people, were you can eat tasty & nutrient rich food you really like until satiated at all meals while getting and staying lean!
Epigenetic "Low-Responder" Game Changer!
Have you tried different diets or training methods without obtaining the results you hoped for? Do you consider yourself as a "low-responder" with bad genetics that limits you from success in your effort to achieve a healthy low body fat percentage or to build muscle?
Failing or weak fitness results are in most cases not caused by genetic limitations. The main reason behind lacking fitness results, high body fat percentage, low muscle mass and premature physical decay are normally a combination of:
Systemic hormonal imbalances with slowed down anabolic and metabolic processes and insulin resistance as a result of a modern western eating pattern.
Absence of adequate muscle stimulation with enough intensity for a hypertrophic protein synthesis signalling.
The result is a body with lost sensitivity to it's own hormones that are essential for effective energy partitioning and protein synthesis, main processes that regulate body fat percentage, muscle mass, cellular aging and health biomarkers.
AgeAthletic™ has made it surprisingly easy to reverse lifestyle related hormonal imbalances and physical decay.
Effects of AgeAthletic™
Reactivates fallen metabolic and anabolic hormonal sensitivity and production
Increases protein synthesis and recovery ability, resulting in quicker restitution and more muscle growth
Stimulates the use of ketones from stored body fat as main fuel source WITHOUT the sacrifice and inconvenience of a daily low-carb/high fat diet! = You can eat more of the food food you really like and get & stay lean!
Promotes a significantly healthier body composition; increased muscle mass/reduced fat mass/reduction of harmful visceral fat (internal belly fat)
Reducess insulin resistance and stabilizes blood sugar
Reduces general inflammation and boosts your immune system
Stimulates cognitive brain function and concentration
Improves sleep, mood and increases stress tolerance
Reduces harmful cholesterol (LDL)
Increases bone and ligament density - reduces the risk of fractures & joint injuries
Improves general health & longevity health biomarkers
Increased and significantly more stable energy supply
Activates renewal of aged and diseased cells through autophagy
"Go from carb dependent storage mode to fat burning & anabolic muscle building mode, WITHOUT the need of a restrictive and unpleasant diet or overwhelming training!"
How AgeAthletic™ Works
The effects of Athletic biotuning are produced by a flexible, auto-regulating nutrition pattern based on strategic macro-nutrient selection and timing, adapted to your body's activity dependent and chronobiologically changing and highly different real nutritional needs. Auto-regulating means that you reestablish an efficient balance between the hunger and satiety hormones grehlin & leptin, making them correlate with your body's real nutritional and energy needs and makes it far more efficient at switching to using stored body fat as main fuel source. After only a few weeks of ABT practice most people experience that crawings for snacks between meals are history.
The results can be further maximized if combined with the anabolic stimulating, hypertrophy focused ABT resistance training program. The combination and interaction of these methods significantly reactivates inter-cellular anabolic signaling and trigger a strong and prolonged muscle protein synthesis response, maximizing the ability to build muscle and burn body fat, not at the same time, but in short micro-cycles, several times a week.
The human body is extremely adaptable and in only 2-4 weeks most people will start to go through significant hormonal and physical changes, without unpleasant hunger or the need of exhausting cardio training as a tool to loose weight. Already after 4 weeks will most people experience noticeable physical and energy improvements.
AgeAthletic™ is easy and pleasant to follow as a permanent lifestyle method for most people. Unlike all other nutrition methods; when adapted to the flexible & auto-regulating eating pattern of Athletic Biotuning, you can eat normal, tasty & nutrient rich food you really like until satiated at all meals while getting and staying lean!
(Read more...)
Do You Qualify?
You must be willing to commit to make small nutritional & lifestyle changes and let you motivate and be guided by experienced health professionals. You will be surprised by how easy and pleasant it is to follow the flexible, auto-regulatory lifestyle methods of AgeAthletic™ and how quickly your energy levels, feeling of well being and body composition will improve.
Are you too ready to make a life-changing health & fitness reset?
We Can Do This Together!
-Online programs & coaching with experienced fitness-physiotherapist specialized in nutrition, optimization of body composition and metabolic health. In-person VIP personal training, nutrition & lifestyle coaching in Oslo & Bærum
Get your personal online-coach and start your transformation now!

The service is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of injuries, disorders or diseases. Although the methods used in ABT do not pose any known increased health risk compared to other fitness exercise and diet, medical screening of blood values and a general health check with a doctor before starting and during the Athletic Biotuning program are recommended as a preventive safety measure that should be taken with the start up of any new fitness regimen! Athletic Biotuning is not responsible for any consequences of underlying illness or injury, as well as for any injuries or health conditions that may occur during the practice of recommended exercise or diet.
The results of Athletic Biotuning™ (ABT) will vary from person to person, depending on genetic predisposition, training experience, health status, age and personal effort.
Trademark Copyright ©
The brand "Athletic Biotuning™" is protected by international law of copyright.
AgeAthletic™ is based on award-winning science research* and clinical evidence from a
ground-breaking pioneering medical nutritional treatment method for reversal of age- and lifestyle related metabolic imbalances and insulin resistance developed by internationally leading specialists in the field. The clinical method which has shown sensational clinical results in improvement of body composition and vital health biomarkers, has been further developed by Norwegian nutrition & fitness specialized health professionals and converted into an easily sustainable health & fitness lifestyle method for most people.
AgeAthletic™ has made it possible and suprisingly easy for most people at ANY age to release unexploited genetic potential for athletic lean body composition, physical performance and longevity health, WITHOUT unpleasant and unsustainable nutritional sacrifices, overwhelming training programs or hormone replacement therapy!