Age-defying body evolution....

The pictures above tell a story!
In the 20's, youthful, naturally efficient metabolism and an active life allowed for an uncritical diet without weight gain. Then something happened approaching 30; without eating more, fat mass increased every year, despite an active lifestyle and continuous attempts to maintain weight. Cause: common Western eating pattern with frequent meals and almost continuously having food in the digestive system, without adapting macro nutrient meal composition to activity level and circadian rhythmic metabolic needs. The result was a common physical degradation; a slowed down metabolic rest rate, insulin resistance and accelerated age related fall in anabolic hormone production. In the 40's, both calorie counting and low carb diets were tested without particularly successful results. After 50, Athletic Biotuning (ABT) came into life and changed everything... Body fat literally melted of the body while eating more than before, and muscles started growing thicker and stronger than in younger days, with much less training. No calorie counting, no exhausting training regime, only ABT lifestyle with smart, minimalistic training and flexible, chronobiologic auto-regulatory nutrition. (as the pictures show; NO genetic disposition for lean body composition, no gymnast background, 100% natural transformation)
The service is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of injuries, disorders or diseases. Although the methods used in ABT do not pose any known increased health risk compared to other fitness exercise and diet, medical screening of blood values and a general health check with a doctor before starting and during the Athletic Biotuning program are recommended as a preventive safety measure that should be taken with the start up of any new fitness regimen! Athletic Biotuning is not responsible for any consequences of underlying illness or injury, as well as for any injuries or health conditions that may occur during the practice of recommended exercise or diet.
The results of Athletic Biotuning (ABT) will vary from person to person, depending on genetic predisposition, training experience, health status, age and personal effort.
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The brand "Athletic Biotuning" and "Chronometabolic" is protected by international law of copyright.