Client results & testimonials

Roger Næss, 55 years,
4 months practicing Athletic Biotuning!
Jeg har alltid hatt en aktiv livsstil og drevet med sport. Jeg har også trent med vekter i 16 år uten å oppnå de resultatene jeg hadde håpet på. Jeg har aldri følt meg feit, men i voksen alder har jeg hatt noen ekstra kilo fett rundt livet som det har vært umulig å bli kvitt, uansett hvor mye jeg har trent og hvilket kosthold jeg har prøvd. Etter å ha testet livsstilskonseptet Athletic Biotuning i noen måneder, har jeg opplevd en forvandling jeg ikke trodde var mulig i min alder.
Uten kalorirestriksjoner, streng diett eller avstå fra å spise meg mett av mat jeg liker, har kroppen min forvandlet seg til en langt mer atletisk, slank og ungdommelig og smertene i leddene og ryggen som jeg har slitt med i årevis er borte. Også det for høye kolesterolnivået jeg har hatt de siste årene, er nå nede på anbefalte sunne nivåer. Jeg hadde aldri trodd at makronæringsstoffer og valg i henhold til kroppens skiftende behov hadde så mye å si for hormonproduksjonen og hvordan kroppen bruker mat! Vekten har gått fra 84 kg og stabilisert seg til 76 kilo. Den nye lavere fettprosenten er også enkel å vedlikeholde med denne metoden. Dette nye spisemønsteret lar meg nyte mat jeg tidligere måtte holde meg unna. Nå nyter jeg pizza, taco, desserter, øl og vin i helgene uten vektøkning, så lenge jeg følger planen og spiser normal, sunn proteinrik mat i ukedagene. Jeg har mye energi og jeg opplever ingen søtsug lenger. Søvnen min har blitt bedre, og jeg opplever å være full av energi om morgenen. En annen ting som overrasker meg er at blodsukkerfall og ubehagelig sultfølelse jeg ofte følte tidligere da jeg prøvde å holde meg mager, er helt borte.
Jeg kan ikke takke Børre i Athletic Biotuning godt nok for det han og programmet har gjort for meg! Metoden har blitt en naturlig energigivende og god livsstil for meg.
Roger Næss, Oslo
I have always had an active lifestyle and been practicing sports. I have also been working out for many years without achieving the results I had hoped for. I have never felt fat, but over the years I have slowly gained a few extra kilos of fat around my waist that has been impossible to get rid of, no matter how much I have exercised and what diet I have tried. After testing the Athletic Biotuning lifestyle concept for a few months, I have experienced a body transformation I did not think was possible at my age.
With less training and without calorie restrictions, strict diet or refraining from eating well of food I like, my body has transformed into a far more athletic, youthful shape and the pain in my joints and back that I have struggled with for years is gone. Also, the excessively high cholesterol level I have struggled with in recent years is now down to recommended healthy levels. I had never thought that tactical macronutrient selection and timing adapted to the body's changing needs had so much to say for body composition and well being. The weight has gone from 84 kg and stabilized at 76 kilos. The new, much lower fat percentage is also easy to maintain with the ABT method and I seldom experience cravings for sweets anymore. Now I enjoy food I earlier had to stay away from like pizzas, tacos, desserts, beer and wine on the weekends, without weight gain, as long as I follow the Athletic Biotuning guidelines on weekdays. I have a lot more energy and my sleep has improved. Another thing that surprises me is that the fall in blood sugar and unpleasant feeling of hunger I often felt in the past when I tried to stay lean, are totally gone.
I can't thank Børre in Athletic Biotuning well enough for what he and this lifestyle method has done for me!
Roger Næss, Oslo

Omar Ali, Oslo, 41 years.
3 months Athletic Biotuning transformation! No calorie restriction!

Max Speakman
Liverpool , U.K
Aged 56
May 23
I was that guy who had been in the army and had been fit and sporty most of my life. Stayed in shape until an injury hit me at 43. I stopped exercising, my diet went out the window and next thing ive put on 20kg+, life had caught up to me!
As a life long fanatical windsurfer the weight and my fitness levels made the sport i love very hard work. I got frustrated with myself, my fitness and my general health started to decline resulting in a pre-diabetes/ high cholestrol diagnosis and a 107kg frame.
This is mid Dec 22 and I decided i had to change for my physical and mental health's sake! I had previously seen Børre's Athletic Biotuning website on a windsurfing facebook page, taken a look and thought that looks good but, had dismissed it as an option for me. I thought I wouldn't have the time and energy to do that, but my drastic situation forced a change of heart and I'm so glad i did!
I have followed the Athletic Biotuning program and made some tweaks to my diet and meal timing. I started a simple and easy exercise program and did regular walks fast forward. 4 months later I have dropped 20 kgs, I look better, I feel fantastic, like ive dropped 20 years as well as 20kg. My health issues have gone away, my strength to body weight ratio is improving, i can do pullups and chinups again, my energy levels have massively improved and I even sleep better.
Now i did this aged 56, working 12 hr shifts nights and days in a very stressful job, sometimes in blocks of 6 in a row. All still whilst following the program,
I found it easy to follow and fit into my hectic work and family life.
I would highly recomend the Athletic Biotuning program to anyone who wants to drop some middle aged weight and improve a declining sports performance in the sport you love and just generally feel better in yourself and stay around to see our families live there lives.
I would like to thank Børre as he has had a hand in changing my life for the better hopefully making it a healthier and longer more active one.
Max Speakman
Liverpool , U.K
Aged 56
May 23
Lars Arne Kringstad
49 years
Oksenøya Norway

Jeg ble introdusert for Atletic Biotuning av Børre for 2,5 år siden og metoden har bedret min livskvalitet og fysiske form i så stor grad at den har blitt en permanent livstilsmetode for meg. Det har resultert i en kropp som har blitt betydelig lettere og sterkere og som i en alder av 49, nå veier det samme som da jeg var 19 år. Dette har gjort at jeg fortsatt kan holde på med skateboarding og snowboardingpå et aktivt høyt nivå. Jeg håndterer også fall bedre, noe som er essensielt for å unngå skade i skate- og snowboarding. I tillegg har denne ny livsstilen gitt meg bedre søvn, høyere energinivå og jevnere humør.
I was introduced to Atletic Biotuning by Børre 2.5 years ago and the method has improved my quality of life and physical fitness to such a degree that it has become a permanent lifestyle method for me. It has resulted in a body that has become significantly lighter and stronger and which, at the age of 49, now weighs the same as when I was 19. This has allowed me to continue skateboarding and snowboarding at an active high level. I also handle falls better, which is essential to avoid injury in skateboarding and snowboarding. In addition, this new lifestyle has given me better sleep, higher energy levels, and a more stable mood.
Lars Arne Kringstad
49 years
Oksenøya Norway
Athletic Biotuning transformation result
concept creator

The pictures above tell a story!
In the 20's, youthful, naturally efficient metabolism and an active life allowed for an uncritical diet without weight gain. Then something happened approaching 30; without eating more, fat mass increased gradually every year, despite an active lifestyle and continuous attempts to maintain weight. In the 40's, both calorie counting and low carb diets were tested without particularly successful results. After 50, Athletic Biotuning (ABT) came into life and changed everything... No calorie counting, no exhausting training regime, only ABT lifestyle protocol with flexible chronobiologic auto-regulatory nutrition in combination with anabolic stimulating minimalistic training.
The service is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of injuries, disorders or diseases. Although the methods used in ABT do not pose any known increased health risk compared to other fitness exercise and diet, medical screening of blood values and a general health check with a doctor before starting and during the Athletic Biotuning program are recommended as a preventive safety measure that should be taken with the start up of any new fitness regimen! Athletic Biotuning is not responsible for any consequences of underlying illness or injury, as well as for any injuries or health conditions that may occur during the practice of recommended exercise or diet.
The results of Athletic Biotuning (ABT) will vary from person to person, depending on genetic predisposition, training experience, health status, age and personal effort.
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The brand "Athletic Biotuning" and "Chronometabolic" is protected by international law of copyright.